Denise Grobbelaar:

Purpose and meaning

Jungian Analyst, Psychotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.

The Enneagram can be used to discern the hidden theme or the archetypal thread that runs through our lives giving our life purpose and meaning, perhaps giving clues to the question of “Why am I here?”

This intelligence can be differentiated in the same way white light is differentiated when it shines through a prism into the many colours of the rainbow. This means that this purposeful intelligence can take many forms as reflected in the Enneagram which demonstrates different ways of being in the world based on nine core archetypal patterns of inner motivation.

Once this intelligence becomes differentiated, it loses its 360 degree perspective, becomes narrowed in scope, but also more pointed in focus. From a transpersonal point of view, each enneagram point can be said to represent a particular archetypal energy source. Each Enneagram type bring specific gifts to the world and in Enneagram language this is called “Holy Ideas” which link with a personal and transcended purpose, but also represent the different facets of consciousness or universal truths. It is like we each got a piece of the puzzle.

But we have to remember that one puzzle piece do not give the whole picture. When we get fixated on our little puzzle piece (personality type or world view) as THE truth we lose sight of the bigger picture. In Enneagram language gets we stuck in distorted or limited ideas of how we supposed to be and we believe that our way of being is right. This often manifest in believes and assumptions which directs our focus of attention as to what we perceive in the world and how we respond. It is then that our Enneagram type is literally running the show and you are not really in control.

#Enneagram #personality #personalitypatterns #patterns #archetypes #ego #persona #shadow #consciousness #unconscious #motivation #assumptions #believes #worldview #paradigm #selfawareness #innerobserver #observingself #innergrowth #pscyhological #whyamIhere? #intelligence #perspective #holyideas #distortedideas #susanrhodes

Posted in Enneagram on Jul 20, 2020.