I recently had a dream in which the teacher leant forward and whispered to me “Review your Life Purpose”. This instruction was part of a larger dream story that is beyond the scope of this post.
The dream was an affirmation as I am consciously working with the idea of life purpose, seeking alignment between my highest aspirations and my truest nature in service of the Creative/Creator Spirit. Last weekend, I attended the Jung Platform’s “Call & Purpose” on-line summit and I came away with the following important pointers.
‘The Call’ is not a flash of insight, but more a stumbling along into adventure. Dennis P. Slattery refers to a venturing into the world, forging one’s own path in relationship with the natural order of life. However, there is not necessarily clarity about where you are going. It is indeed a stepping into the void, into the unknown. Following a unique life purpose is not a safe, familiar journey. As Campbell says “If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”
James Hollis spoke about the importance of discernment, which is also one of the two important principles of Shamanism. (The other principle is to guard against inflation) What he referred to was differentiating between the many voices of the psyche and recognizing what seeks expression through you – your inner truth – as opposed to the alluring voice of ego or even complexes’ trickery. He affirmed that keeping your appointment with Purpose is not a single event, but a lifelong journey of answering many callings.
Robert Bosnak inspired me with his humorous comment that he has being studying alchemy for over 30 years and knows a little about alchemy, but what he knows is probably not what the alchemist knew, but it has immense value to him and he truely enjoys it. That which matters most to you is a guiding beacon on your path in answering the call to purpose. What is the Prima Materia, or starting material for your Magnum Opus in your unfolding personal mythology?
According to Michael Meade, ‘genius’ is that which makes you YOU – your natural gifts. ‘Genius’ refers to the things in you that the ‘Calling’ is calling to. He writes in the Genius Myth “We may be closest to hearing the call when we feel most alone or in trouble, for genius hides behind the wound and one of the greatest wounds in life is to not know who we are intended to be or what we are supposed to serve in life.”
Image credit: Cornelia Kopp (Alice Popkorn on Flickr)
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