Soul is the organizing principle of life, the ‘connective tissue’ of the world and the source of creativity, vitality, joy and profound meaning. Michael Meade states: “Soul is the glue of the world and the connecting principle of life . . . [it] connects us to things that are deep and abiding in the world and in our own lives. The depths of soul contain the vitality of life, the core powers of imagination, and the ancient inheritance of humanity.” (1) If we have a deep connection to our souls, we can live in a kind of spontaneous freedom manifesting as an honest expression of our authentic selves in harmony with Nature and Spirit.
Our soul is our own unique sacred code. Meade writes “The soul’s way of being is unique to each person... It was seeded and sown within each of us from the beginning and it tries to ripen throughout our lives. What exiles us more than anything is the separation from our own instinctive, intuitive way of being. We are most lost and truly in exile when we have lost touch with our own soul, with our unique inward style and way of being in this world.” (2)
The connection with our Soul may be interrupted, or even severed. The loss of meaning and truth in modern life may be an outward sign of loss of Soul in individuals as well as whole communities. The widespread alienation from nature combined with our empty materialistic culture may be signalling a profound Soul loss. What may be the cause of this profound disconnect? Thomas Hübl writes “We have been born into a world that is systemically traumatized… for most of us, no one explained that to us, so it became normal.” (3) The traumatised psyche splits off from its Soul. Childhood / developmental trauma is a soul wound. War trauma is a soul wound. Every traumatising experience we ever have experienced impacts us deeply and corrupts our imagination with maladaptive stories that direct our behaviour and cause us endless suffering.
How do we heal from this core wounding?
How do we reconnect with our Soul?
References: (1) Michael Meade (2018) Awakening the Soul: A Deep Response to a Troubled World. Mosaic Multicultural Foundation (2) Michael Meade (2012) Why The World Doesn’t End. Greenfire Press (3) Thomas Hübl (2022) Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds. Sounds True, Incorporated
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