The “Descent of Inanna” is one of the oldest myths of journeying to the underworld where, through death, an initiation takes place and, ultimately a rebirth...
Pachamama is the Great Earth Mother. As supreme and eternal goddess she represents both the living earth (physical planet) and the Universal Feminine Energy - the cosmic matrix of all life...
Known as “the remover of obstacles” the Hindu god Ganesha is highly recognizable with his elephant head and human body. As an image of the divine child, Ganesha embodies the promise for enlightenment, self-realization and spiritual wholeness through the integration of opposites. Ganesha represents the unification of cosmic forces: god and goddess, eternal and temporal, infinite and finite, spirit and body, conscious and unconscious.
Deep authentic human connection (including the inner relationship) is represented, not by the “love-struck” Romeo and Juliet, but rather by the primordial lovers symbolized in the cosmic dance of Shiva (divine masculine principle) and Shakti (divine feminine principle) from Hinduism.
As one of the most complex and powerful goddesses of Ancient Egypt, Hathor represents the divine feminine principle in synergy with the masculine. In her benevolent aspect Hathor is the personification of love, but in her destructive alter ego, she switches into the leonine goddess, Sekhmet...
Janus was the god of beginnings and endings, symbolizing change, movement and transitions. He was the god of gates and doorways, entrances, exists and passageways. Janus is the ultimate doorkeeper who holds access between worlds, for instance entry to heaven.