The circle is a powerful and widely recognized symbol that represents wholeness, unity, and the eternal cyclical nature of life. It signifies the interconnection and interdependence of all things, associated with infinity, harmony, and balance. Circles also hold symbolism of protection, completeness, and the rhythmic patterns of nature. Furthermore, circles represent community, equality, and spirituality in various traditions.
The spider is the master weaver. It weaves an intricate web with such a subtle fabric. As energetic beings, we too weave subtle energies to create our lives. “We are the keepers and writers of our own destiny, weaving it like a web by our thoughts, feelings, and actions”.
“There are spiritual processes of transformation in the psyche”. Jung framed the psyche as a purposive self-regulating system aimed toward the unfolding of inherent potentials. According to Jung symbols play a dynamic role in the psyche’s movement toward wholeness.
Light is traditionally equated with Spirit . . . Its whiteness alludes to just such a synthesis of the All . . . the significance of emanation from the “Centre”, for light is also the creative force, cosmic energy . . .
Yggdrasil in Norse cosmology is an immense central sacred tree that sprang forth from the primordial void. As a symbol of the interconnectedness of all things, the Cosmic Tree...
The sun in the sky is metaphoric and secondary to the real sun" – Rumi Mystics see this ‘sun energy’ as the substance of our life in terms of the energetic process at the depths of our being. Seen as the central source of divine fire, the image of the sun ignites our awakening hearts.