Denise Grobbelaar:

Ground the Medicine in Your Body - Snake Medicine

Jungian Analyst, Psychotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.

Ground the Medicine in Your Body

This message came through during a medicine hike with a medicine sister at Cape Point Nature Reserve. As we drove to the starting point of our hike, we spotted a snake crossing the road—a Puff Adder! What a beautiful sighting. Snake medicine teaches us how to attune to the earth’s vibrations. Unlike humans, who hear through the air, snakes hear primarily through the ground. When something moves nearby, it creates seismic vibrations that the snake picks up through its body. This makes snakes highly sensitive to detecting movements and vibrations.

What makes Puff Adders special is their adaptability to different environments, which makes them one of the most widespread snakes in Africa. They possess excellent camouflage due to their mottled brown, yellow, and black coloring, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Despite being highly venomous, Puff Adders are not typically aggressive; they prefer to remain still or hiss loudly while inflating their bodies when threatened. This "puffing," which is how they got their name, serves as a warning signal rather than a prelude to attack. As ambush predators, Puff Adders do not chase prey; instead, they rely on their patience and camouflage, lying motionless until potential prey comes within striking distance. When they strike, their speed is among the fastest of all snakes.

During our hike were led along our path by a Bontebok, a medium-sized, multicolored antelope native to South Africa. In mythology, the stag (buck) often symbolizes a guiding force, leading individuals through the wilderness of life toward their destined path, embodying both spiritual awakening and the pursuit of purpose. We rested at a natural rock formation resembling a stone circle, much like Stonehenge, savouring the peace that Nature provides amid a world in turmoil. We contemplated Jung's ideas, especially the notion that by cultivating inner peace, individuals can contribute to greater peace in society, as achieving internal balance helps diminish external conflict. A large troop of peaceful baboons watched our progress as we neared the end of our hike through the most exquisite landscape.

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Posted in Animal Symbolism, Earth & Nature on Sep 29, 2024.